How to write a fable | Huon Emonson-Clyde

What is a fable?

A fable is a story that features animals, plants or forces of nature which are given human qualities. A fable always ends with a ‘moral’ which is a lesson that is intended to be learnt through reading the story.
One of the most famous fables is The Hare and the Tortoise. In this fable, both animals are able to speak and are competing against each other in a race. The hare stops to sleep halfway through the race because he is convinced he has enough time to do this and then rejoin the race and win it. Meanwhile, the slow, but determined tortoise, keeps going and wins while the hare is asleep.
Most of our best-known fables are thought to have been written by a man called Aesop, who is believed to have been a slave in Ancient Greece around 550BC.

How to write a fable

To write a fable you need to have the following elements, don’t worry the next page will help! What would you like the moral (lesson) to be? Where is the story taking place (Setting), and who are the characters? What is the problem? Then you write a start, middle and ending and the elements of your fable are ready to put together! Once you’ve written your fable, we would love to see it here at The Fantasy Magazine! If you would like to share it, send it to us here.

To help you write your fable, we have create this table below:

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