Artifically Happy | Jose Arguelles

I’ve had the honor of talking to the creator Jose Arguelles from Eternal Art House about how ai has helped him create these children’s books. To start this blog off, I want to share what ai means for me personally as Jose’s story really resonated deeply with me. I realise that it’s still a hotly debated topic right now, but for me personally, ai has become a safe haven for when I am having some serious anxiety time. I find I can fall into some of the most beautiful worlds and creations while I wait it out. So, it’s with great honor I introduce Jose and allow him to share his story.

The books were written by Chat Gpt the illustrations were done by Midjourney AI. I was having the worst week in a long time because I couldn’t get out of bed because of depression and anxiety.

I was also having hallucinations because I have schizophrenia a very rare mental illness that affects the mind’s ability to express itself properly. My Abilify shot was being postponed until Valentines the day the 14th and I had been without meds since the 2nd of February.

I decided to use chat gpt to write a children’s book and mid-journey to illustrate it to bring Joy not only into my life but the lives of children around the world. I hadn’t suffered like this in a long time and I just needed to escape into light work with a creative outlet… The A.I. let me do that.
I set the theme to Brave Little Girls because I was raised by a brave woman. And I thought the world needed strong noble women represented in storybook form. And having them overcome situations that seem impossible I thought having the A.I.’s show people the best version of themselves would be a good lesson in humility and kindness.
Grab your copies here!
Brave Little Girl: Magda Kindle Edition
Brave Little Girl Natsu Kindle Edition

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