Just Be- Blog “Your Are Your Thoughts”

Please click on the link below to read more from my Just Be Revolution Blog post: “When you spend so much time in a negative head space, you outwardly research and glean examples of why something is 100% truth. When you’re in a positive mindset, the same is true, however it’s not detrimental to your own self. Your beliefs are an equation of Thoughts + … Continue reading Just Be- Blog “Your Are Your Thoughts”

What is a Brand Style Guide?

We’ve all seen it. Someone hands you a business card with a great logo, but when you go to check out their website (or other marketing vehicles) they don’t match the look or quality. Situations like this are why understanding the importance of having a strong, consistent brand identity is essential in today’s marketplace. Making sure that your marketing tools have the same overall look … Continue reading What is a Brand Style Guide?