The year of dreams and adventure

We are into the second week of 2020 and I’m already SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO behind with writing… School holidays create it’s own cyclone of mayhem but add on a blossoming business and 3 energetic kics, 2 fur kids and a husband in transit… I’m exhausted thinking about it. SO playing catch up a little, this young lady won her fantasy portrait session last August and it took … Continue reading The year of dreams and adventure

The makings of a Merry Christmas

Christmas time for kids can bring about a number of feelings, and it’s something that’s been on my mind lately as we draw closer to the big day. Having spent a few years as a photographic elf with Santa, I remember seeing so many little ones who were nervous around him and became so incredibly upset being placed near him or on his knee, my kids included. Yes, even having mum on the ‘inside’ doesn’t stop them from bursting into tears or keeping their safe 300m distance from him. Continue reading The makings of a Merry Christmas